Xilisoft vide cutter

Xilisoft vide cutter Xilisoft video cutter is the one software that can be used as cutting tools video files. This program is one of the video file cutter software? because it's still a lot of software that other software apart from this we can use to cut video files. But what I like from Xilisoft video cutter is the capacity of its small file, simple and also very fast for cutting process.

Xilisoft Video Cutter supports almost all popular video formats such as (*.3gp); 3GPP2 Files (*.3g2); AVI Files (*.avi); Quick Time Files (*.mov, *.qt); MJPEG Video Files (*.mjpg; *.mjpeg); MPEG-4 Files (*.mp4); Raw h261 Files (*.h261); Raw h264 Video Files (*.h261; *.h264); Raw MPEG4 Video Files (*.m4v); Raw Video Files (*.yuv); Window Media Files (*.wmv; *.asf); MPEG Files (*.mpg; *.mpeg; *.mpa; *.dat; *.vob). TheVideo Cutter allows you to set a start point and end point accurately, supports low priority conversion in background mode and the function to determine the action AfterDone etc..

To download Xilisoft vide cutter click here

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