Tsunade Wallpaper

Below you can see the Tsunade Wallpaper with high resolution to use your PC desktop, notebook or mobile phone wallpaper

Tsunade is a kunoichi who was also a Sannin. He has a real name Koichi Tsunade. Tsunade is also the 5th hokage, medical ninjutsu master, and the only one known to the Senju clan was still alive. Its like gambling and relaxed, yet hard and bitchy like Sakura. Tsunade has an assistant named Shizune which is also the niece of Tsunade girlfriend. Tsunade has a pig named Tonton, that is maintained by Shizune. When I became Hokage, Sakura becomes his pupil to learn medical ninjutsu and devastating blow.

Here the Tsunade Wallpaper

Sakura Haruno Wallpaper

Below you can see Sakura Haruno Wallpaper with high resolution to use your PC desktop, notebook or mobile phone wallpaper. Sakura is a kunoichi affiliated with the konoha village. Sakura Haruna is the one who built most of his relationship with other characters. Sakura is a lover of people with very sensitive feelings.

Sakura character as a girl who cann't understand the man, but he grew into a wise man. The main motivation is to get back Sasuke to Konoha again. Together with Naruto, they both share in their goal to bring Sasuke back them off the team.He was a medical ninja under the guidance of Tsunade. Also strange girls karen often talking to himself.

Here the Wallpaper

Sasuke wallpaper

Below you can see Sasuke wallpaper with high resolution to use your pc dekstop, mobile phone or notebook wallpaper. Sasuke has the original name of Sasuke Uchiha is a fictional character from the comic and anime Naruto. Due to my favorite animated films. So I deliberately wanted to share.

Here the Sasuke wallpaper

Kakashi wallpaper. Below are some kakashi wallpaper with high resolution that I accidentally saved and I want to share all my friends. Due to my favorite animated films, especially naruto. So I deliberately wanted to share. Kakashi who has a real name, Hatake Kakashi is one of a fictional character in the manga and anime Naruto.

Here you can save the Kakashi wallpaper

Naruto Wallpaper

Anime Naruto Wallpapers is a great original size, great for desktop display or maybe to the big digital print banner with big size, nice for display in the room for the likes Naruto. Now you can enjoy your favorite Anime series Naruto Shippuden characters right on your desktop with these superb Naruto Shippuden Wallpapers. You can choose the resolution you want from the links of respective websites.

Here the Naruto Wallpaper

Microsoft security essential 2.0.657.0

Microsoft Security Essentials is Microsoft's FREE Antivirus to protect your PC from malicious programs attack viruses, trojans, spyware, rootkits and protection every time. Based on my experience, this is the best antivirus. Microsoft Security Essentials runs quietly and efficiently so you are free to use without interruption or without a long wait. Now the version Microsoft security essential is v2.0.657.0.

Supported OS: Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP
If you are using windows xp, windows xp sp3 is recommended use

You can download Microsoft Security Essentials here


according your needs or your OS,  X86 or x64 version


HDD low level format tool

HDD low level format tool is a tool for formatting utilities that run at low level on the hard drive. Thus allowing you to formatting the hard drive on windows and do not need run in DOS. It can erase and Low-Level Format a SATA, IDE, SAS, SCSI or SSD hard disk drives. Also work with any USB and FIREWIRE external drive enclosures as well as SD, MMC, Memorystick and Compactflash media. Low level format is erase data on all existing partitions on the HDD from the root. Features of this software :

  • Supported interfaces: S-ATA (SATA), IDE (E-IDE), SCSI, SAS, USB, FIREWIRE.
  • Big drives (LBA-48) are supported.
  • Supported Manufacturers: Maxtor, Hitachi, Seagate, Samsung, Toshiba, Fujitsu, IBM, Quantum, Western Digital, and almost any other not listed here.
  • The program also supports low-level formatting of FLASH cards (SD, MMC, MemoryStick and CompactFlash) using a card-reader.
Os that supports this software : 
MS Windows XP, Vista x32/x64, 7 x32/x62, Server 2003, 2008, 2008R2

Screenshot :

You can download this software below :


Usb disk security v6.0.0.126 full

Usb disk security v6.0.0.126 full version adalah software atau tool untuk mendisable semua autorun usb drive dan melindungi semua yang ada di alam drive tersebut dari serangan virus autorun sehingga bisa mengurangi penularan virus atau program jahat komputer.Dan kali ini saya akan berbagi kepada sobat blooger tentang software ini yang sudah full version.


Fitur baru yang ada pada Usb disk security v6.0.0.126
  1. Mencegah pencurian data komputer melalui usb drive
  2. Kompatibel dengan semua windows
  3. Menghindari penularan virus melalui usb drive
Buat sobat blogger yang tertarik dengan tool ini bisa mendownload nya di


HDD Repair 2.0

HDD Repair 2.0 adalah sebuah software untuk memformat hardisk yang sudah bad sectors. Lebih dari 15.000 bad sector mampu dikenali oleh program ini. Sehingga dalam pemformatan hardisk akan lebih optimal dan dan secara menyeluruh. Pada artian bad sectors adalah kemungkinan 50 % dari hardisk yang rusak atau benar-benar mati. Dalam hal ini dibutuhkan keteleitian sebelum melakukan formating pada hardisk untuk menjamin keselamatan hardisk.

Buat sobat blooger yang ingin mencoba program ini bisa di download pada link di bawah ini.

HDD Repair 2.0 download

Semoga membantu
Salam gchangetok

Instal flash player

Instal flash player adalah wajib. Kenapa ? Karena untuk dapat membuka file .swf pada suatu website, memutar video dari youtube, menampilkan animasi yang ada pada blog atau website seperti contonya facebook kita, flash game, memutar audio streaming atau pun video streaming, kita haruslah menginstal flash player agar dapat melakukan semua hal di atas tersebut. Langkah pertama yang harus di lakukan adalah download flashplayer terlebih dahulu

Adobe flash player versi terbaru - download
Setelah terdownload silahkan restart browser anda, dan anda sudah bisa membuka animasi ataupun video / flash game yang ada di website.

Salam gchangetok
Client google translate v5.2.603 adalah sebuah software terjemahan yang paling populer. Untuk menerjemahkan lebih dari 10 bahasa. Hanya saja software ini membutuhkan koneksi internet agar bisa digunakan. Jika sobat blogger membutuhkan software ini anda bisa mendownload nya pada link di bawah. Agar software tersebut menjadi pro harus di crack pada aplikasi crack tersebut.

Screenshot :

File download :
1. Client google translate
2. Crack

Salam gchangetok

Pengertian web / website

Pengertian web / website adalah kumpulan halaman yang menampilkan informasi data teks, data gambar diam atau gerak, data animasi, suara, video dan atau gabungan dari semuanya, Layanan ini paling banyak digunakan di internet untuk menyampaikan informasi karena sifatnya mendukung multimedia. Artinya informasi tidak hanya disampaikan melalui teks, tapi juga gambar, video dan suara. Baik yang bersifat statis maupun dinamis yang membentuk satu rangkaian bangunan yang saling terkait dimana masing-masing dihubungkan dengan jaringan-jaringan halaman (hyperlink). Atau bisa disebut juga world wide web / www atau web adalah salah satu dari sekian banyak layanan yang ada di internet.

Secara terminologi, website adalah kumpulan dari halaman-halaman situs, yang biasanya terangkum dalam sebuah domain atau subdomain, yang tempatnya berada di dalam World Wide Web (WWW) di Internet. Sebuah halaman web adalah dokumen yang ditulis dalam format HTML ( Hyper Text Markup Language ), yang hampir selalu bisa diakses melalui HTTP , yaitu protokol yang menyampaikan informasi dari server website untuk ditampilkan kepada para pemakai melalui web browser. Semua publikasi dari website-website tersebut dapat membentuk sebuah jaringan informasi yang sangat besar.

Bersifat statis apabila isi informasi website tetap, jarang berubah, dan isi informasinya searah hanya dari pemilik website. Bersifat dinamis apabila isi informasi website selalu berubah-ubah, dan isi informasinya interaktif dua arah berasal dari pemilik serta pengguna website. Contoh website statis adalah berisi profil perusahaan, sedangkan website dinamis adalah seperti Friendster, Multiply, dll. Dalam sisi pengembangannya, website statis hanya bisa diupdate oleh pemiliknya saja, sedangkan website dinamis bisa diupdate oleh pengguna maupun pemilik website tersebut.

Contoh Web Dinamis
  • CMS ( Content Management System)
  • Blog
  • News Site
  • Situs Jejaring Sosial
  • Community Site (Situs Komunitas)
 Semoga bermanfaat,
Windows 7 wallpapers terbaru ini merupakan gambar dengan hasil yang lumayan jernih. Bisa digunakan untuk mengganti wallpaper pada komputer maupun hp anda. Cukup klik kanan pada gambar lalu simpan pada hardrive. Berikut Windows 7 wallpapers nya

Windows xp sp3 performance edition ini merupakan windows slim down dari windows xp biasa dan ukuran nya kurang lebih hanya 212.5 Mb. Dan dengan berbagai pengurangan tools yang ada pada windows xp biasa. Sehingga mampu menghasilkan windows dengan loading yang lebih cepat dan menghasilkan grafik yang lebih cepat pula. Dengan pentium III saja windows ini mampu berjalan dengan kecepatan dengan yang cepat apalagi dengan prosesor dual core atau pentium IV. Wah secepat apa ya ?

Windows ini tergolong pada version service pack 3. Yang setahu saya sp3 lebih kebal dengan virus. Buat sobat yang ingin mencoba Windows xp sp3 performance edition ini bisa men-download nya di link di bawah ini. File nya terdiri dari 3 bagian. Part 1 105 Mb, part 2 105 Mb, dan part 3 hanya 2.58 Mb. Untuk proses instalasinya, setelah sobat mendownload ketiga file tersebut. Lalu kumpulkan menjadi menjadi 1 folder. Setelah itu compress dengan winzip dan akan muncul folder dan di dalamnya ada file iso. Untuk membuat bootable cd nya cukup burn file iso tersebut dengan nero atau program sejenisnya.

Berikut file nya.

1. Part 1 105 Mb download
2. Part 2 105 Mb download
3. Part 3 2.58 Mb download

Semoga bermanfaat

Manfaat internet

Manfaat internet. Tahukah sobat apa manfaat dari internet itu ? Manfaat Internet sangat beraneka ragam, mulai dari dampak yang postif internet dan ada pula dampak negatif. Secara umum ada banyak manfaat yang dapat diperoleh apabila seseorang mempunyai akses ke internet di antaranya :
  • Sarana Komunikasi
  • Informasi untuk kehidupan pribadi: kesehatan, rekreasi, hobby, pengembangan pribadi, rohani, sosial.
  • Informasi untuk kehidupan profesional/pekerja: ilmuwan, teknologi, perdagangan, saham, komoditas, berita bisnis, asosiasi profesi, asosiasi bisnis, berbagai forum komunikasi.
  • Perpustakaan yang konvensional merupakan sumber informasi yang tidak murah.
  • Buku-buku dan journal harus dibeli dengan harga mahal. Adanya Internet memungkinkan user dapat mengakses kepada sumber informasi secara online.
  • Media kolaborasi atau kerjasama antara pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam bidang pendidikan dapat terjadi dengan lebih mudah, efisien, dan lebih murah. Ada hal yang menarik dari keanggotaan internet, tidak dikenalnya batas negara, ras, kelas ekonomi, ideologi atau faktor faktor lain yang biasanya dapat menghambat pertukaran pikiran atau gagasan. Komunitas berbasis internet sifatnya sangat demokratis serta memiliki kode etik yang dihormati segenap anggotanya. Manfaat internet terutama diperoleh melalui kerjasama antar pribadi atau kelompok tanpa mengenal batas jarak dan waktu.
  • Memperluas wawasan informasi lokal maupun global
  • Dan mencari uang di internet
Lalu apa dampak negatifnya ?
  1. Membuat kita terkadang lupa waktu.
  2. Pornografi
  3. Kecanduan game / game online
  4. Kecanduan dengan social media/ jejaring sosial
  5. Judi ataupuan penipuan online bisa dilakukan di sini

Lalu bagaimana sebaiknya ?

Seperti kata orang bijak, belajar lah apa yang menurutmu itu baik. Walau dari berbagai media. Sikapilah semua dengan seksama, agar semua menjadi baik

Ramnit virus

Ramnit virus. Which has long been horrendous computer users... it does not stay silent, the evidence so far RAMnit save / make watermark.exe file in the folder% programfiles% / microsoft / watermark.exe, it has migrated to:

1.  % Windir% \ system32 \ microsoft \ watermark.exe and
2.  % Userprofile% \ application data \ microsoft \ watermark.exe

This suggests that the creator of this RAMnit Virus, actually have observed how the development of Viruses of the creation and always wanted to make it more powerful...

RAMnit virus is highly contagious due to:
  • Infect dll files, dll files, very few people even notice it but the file extension dll files that are used more often than the files ending in exe, because almost every time we run the exe file then inadvertently we have also run a dll file is, for example: click  right, open, explorer and so on.....Infect html file, html file is a file that is always used by Internet users, both online and offline.Untuk it will make the effects of transmission will be very fast in order to spread this virus ramnit.Infect exe files, exe files are program files / applications that must be used by all computer users, when the application file is infected, how? .... The master program we will be infected and every time we install a program... for example: Office, Photoshop, Corel, acrobat reader, etc.... Then our system will always be infected.
  • Infect the system with the file extension. CPL, besides RAMnit Viruses transmitted through EXE files, the virus also makes files ending in. Cpl, exe and shortcuts in all of the UFD / portable hard drive, especially the FAT format, which by default... if didobel click the shortcut...  will automatically run by control.exe.... and will be dropped as well rename the file watermark.exe watermark.exe running into svchost.exe....  look at the contents of the shortcut copy of a copy of...
  • Autorun Windows.... , Almost all the viruses that infect tercopy to the UFD to rely on its autorun windows.

Please clean with cleaner Anti Virus (PCMAV for ramnit, NOD32 stand-alone, etc.) after successfully cleaned up I recommend to make the program files / master is a RAR file with Winrar program  / 7zip etc., or for a large size can be used as an ISO or NRG files..... with the help of ultra ISO / NERO image... because the file will be more awake than virus infection...

How to clean:
  • Prepare cleaner Anti-Virus (I use NOD32 stand-alone) in a way> download here <and save it in the form of a zip file / RAR to the exe file is not infected.
  • Save the file on the UFD or copy and paste on the infected computer's hard drive.
  • Use task manager, select the task / processes tab and end task all the file svchost.exe and also all that can end task (except: task manager)
  • Open the file which is already cleaner NOD32 zip / RAR, using the file open in the task manager.Rubah program options in order to open the file into allfiles file zip / rar of NOD32 can be seen.
  • after teropen NOD32 with winrar or other application..  please double click the *. exe file of Nod after the next... next dipilihan action, the left select Clean and right select Scan & delete.Lalu run clean
  • after running close / close winrar / applications made to open NOD32 zip / RAR.
  • Please be supervised by the task manager if there is a file svchost.exe / exit processes appear in the task immediately at the end... and as usual when there is no display windows, warning that the computer will shutdown in 60 seconds / 1 minute....  please type in the file menu open / run: shutdown-a meaning-a is the shutdown command to cancel the action...
  • Warning!!!!! , While NOD 32 clean file on your computer, not to open / run any file... because let alone run the exe file, right click aja we have means to run a virus / its svchost.exe Virus Ramnit.
  • Remember... we need to watch are: turn off / end task svchost.exe file for NOD32 to clean files on your computer.....

Maybe useful
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) is a device which normally uses a battery backup as an alternative power ration, to be able to provide uninterrupted power supply for electronic devices are attached. However, UPS still different functions with a standby generator or often referred to as a generator. If the generator or the generator can not protect from interference ration of intermittent power, generator power only served as a substitute ration of electricity providers . Ration power generator replaced, if the power goes out.

However, when the displacement ration electric power, the power source portion of the generator, still requires a delay time that will be felt by naked eye. This will happen, either automatic or manual for the generator. For the working environment in a building with a generator, the UPS is put to work, both for normal and ration power from the generator. When a blackout, the UPS backup power ration will retain the device is working normally, before the generator starts automatically or manually. Use of an integrated system between the UPS and stand-by generator, commonly referred to as emergency power systems. For example in the data center and some vital telecommunication devices, hospitals are also using it either totally or partially.

Main function of the UPS
  • Can provide temporary electrical energy when the failure occurred on the main electrical power.
  • Provide sufficient time opportunity to immediately turn the main power generators as a replacement.
  • Provide sufficient time opportunity to immediately back up your data and secure operating system (OS) by doing a shutdown according to the procedure when the main power outages.
  • Securing computer systems from electrical disturbances that can disrupt a computer system in the form of damage to software, data or hardware damage.
  • The UPS can automatically stabilize voltage when there is a change in the input voltage so that the output voltage used by the computer system of the voltage stable.
  • UPS can perform diagnostics and management over itself making it easier for users to anticipate if it will be an interruption to the system.
  • User friendly and easy installation.
  • Users can control the UPS via a LAN network by adding a few accessories are required.
  • Can be integrated with the Internet network.
  • Notification in case of failure by configuring the UPS management software.
Many kinds of UPS :

Standby UPS type is the type commonly used by home users to juxtaposed with their PC. Transfer Switch has been set to take the input AC (DC) as the primary resource, while a backup power source is taken from the battery or the inverter (when the main power source goes off). UPS is capable of doing such type of power interruption filtration and flow management, as well as benefits to users from the design of efficient, small size and the costs relatively low.

Line Interactive

UPS type is most often used on small business units, web developers, and a number of servers located in government departments. This is because in addition to having high levels of reliability, this type also has the ability to adjust the voltage is quite good. Section Inverter (modifiers to AC power from the battery) is always connected to the output of the UPS system. In normal circumstances, the Inverter will perform battery charging. While in a state of power outages, Transfer Switch will shut down and drain power from the battery to the UPS output. Inverter position that is always connected to the output power to give an additional filter. This makes this type of UPS with widely used for servers and power conditions are not too good.

Double Conversion Online

This type is most common for UPS to power more than 10kVA. This type is similar to the type of Standby. Only this type has a power source located on the Inverter, not on an AC power source. In this type, the main power supply interruption will not trigger a transfer switch for AC electrical currents that go in the middle of doing the charging input to the batteries that provide power to the inverter which is located at the output. Therefore, when AC power is disconnected, the flow of energy will be transferred immediately without taking a pause while the transfer occurs. UPS type shows performance above average. It can be said of this type of approach the ideal of a UPS, unfortunately this type produce high enough heat.

Delta Conversion Online

Diagram of this UPS is a form of double conversion technology (Double Conversion) that Terah updated and are available with power 5kVA to 1.6MW. Have similarities with Double Conversion type, this type of use to always supply the voltage inverter. When the power supply is interrupted, this type do the same with Double Conversion type.


Cloud computing

Cloud computing. Cloud computing is a term for activities complete a process or computation over the internet by utilizing the resources owned by a collection of computers connected together in one place.

Cloud computing will soon become reality, and this will force the IT professionals to quickly adapt the meaning of this technology. As a result of socio-economic situation which continues to experience very rapid revolution that gave birth to cloud computing, where technology is needed for speed and reliability are more than technology will advance so that the technology would eventually reach the level of investment in terms of cloud service is quick and easy.

Cloud was present before us today, but what is cloud? where tujuanya? and what are the risks? and how IT organizations prepare for this? That question will be present at least by some practitioners or IT enthusiasts, the dasaranya Cloud computing is to use Internet- based services for support to business process. Cloud service usually has several characteristics.

Conventional server will be limited by the number of processor cores, hard disk and memory. With physical limitations that exist then we may not weigh a conventional server with a maximum load. If the resource / resource runs out, then we usually have to reinstall all your applications and data in a larger capacity server and migrate all existing applications to a new server. It will take 1-2 days to set up a new server, and even then if there is no problem.
What is interesting from Cloud Computing is different from conventional servers, especially
  • Physically, a collection of hardware / server is connected in a network ( LAN / WAN ). But from the side, the user can see as a big computer.
  • There is no limit to the capacity of the processor, hard drive capacity and memory capacity.
  • There is no limit to how many "hosting " server that runs behind it.
  • Adding a " hosting" it only takes a few minutes.
  • If there is a shortage of resources ( resources), be it a processor, disk and memory, we can very easily add additional servers and can directly integrate into the network cloud. It took about 20 minutes to set up a server 's empty / just to be able to integrate into the network cloud.
I think that's cloud computing means
This article may be useful